Spring Holiday - Istanbul Aku Datang!! Part 3

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Hello people.
Look like I made a comeback, huh?
Anyway, busylah...
So update sekali sekala ja, okay?

Third day in Istanbul before making our way to Egypt.
We are going on the cruise!!
Sebab naik cruise petang, makanya, kami pun berjalan2-jalanlah dulu dekat keliling Sultanahmet tu...

Blue Mosque aka Sultanahmet Mosque


Dah penat tunggu bas, tangkap gambar dengan Bass Hop On Hop Off yang naik semalam tu...

So, we are under tour guide, going to ride bus to the pier and ride the cruise or should I say private boat?

Let's go, people!!
Ready go! go!

Waiting for the tourist guide... Tangkap gambar dari cermin tingkap kejap. Nampak tak fisherman tu? Hehe
Yahooo! Dah naik boat!!
So, macam biasa, jalan2 atas boat and main ngan kamera. Hahaha.


Bosphorus bridge

European side

Military school


Old City Wall

Asian side

Old City Wall

It took us around one hour and a half toring the Bosphorus sea to see the European and Asian side.
Next, we went to Pierre Lotti Cafe where we would ride the cable car!!

Bukit lagi...

Tinggi okay, curam plak tu...
Dah sampai!! Posing time!!

From above sea level!!
After half an hour, we made our way to ride the cable car.
Tapi sebab ramai betul orang, we have to queue up for almost an hour.

Main potong line pulak! Marah ni!


Penat dah tunggu.

Another waiting...

Okay, so the cable car is getting near!!

Tunggu sejam untuk naik cable car tak sampai 3 minit pun dah sampai bawah. Huhuhu.

Anyway, the end.
Turun bawah, naik bas and dia hantar balik Sultanahmet.
Whatever it is, I enjoy all the ride except for the waiting part.
Lama betul nak kena tunggu.

Bye2, Istanbul. I'm going to Egypt tomorrow!!
So, that's the end of travelling to Istanbul...
We'll be going to Egypt for three day before flying back to Istanbul for another touring and shopping session!
See ya people.


tempat shooting filem istanbul aku datang tu p dak?
Anis Hasni said…
Dak ponnn... Jauh dari tempat Mim duduk. :)

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