UK Final Goodbye! (Class of 2015 Graduation)

Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
This is a 2016 post, but I updated in 2021... five years later. Huhuhu

Anyways, for my graduation, I flew to the UK with both my parents, my sister and my nephew.

We use Emirates, I usually fly with Turkish Airlines, but Emirates was cheaper this time, so let's go!

Flexing tickets and passports... very typical. 😂

Arrive in Birmingham

We stayed at a friend's house, Kak Saida.

I was always at hers back then when I was in my final year, I teach AL-Quran to her son and stayed there as an adult because kids under 12 can't stay at home by themselves. 

I stayed until Kak Saida came home, sometimes I just sleep there. I was only a walking distance from my house, like literally the next two lorongs. 


Coventry Market, a place I always love

Coventry Town

Coventry Cathedral

This should be George Elliot Building, the Language Faculty.

It was one of the most remembered place in my university years. I attend my Japanese class here for three years and I believe because of that, I managed to graduate with a First Class Degree.

Kedai buku yang jarang sangat nak masuk

My parents in front of the graduation hall.

My sister was not allowed inside, I only got two tickets... sobss.

Nak masuk pun muncung

Depa tolong pakainkan robe, tapi macam selebeh. Lol

This should be after, sebab Amin dah lena. Haha.

More pics

Depan Alan Berry Building

With kakak

With Candy Zheng, one of my bestfriend.

This is Candy Hung, also one of my bestfriend

Eh, Amin dah bangun!

With Puteri, one of Malaysians that graduate on the same day as me.

Before I continue the story, let me explain a few things.
Yes, I graduated with a First Class degree.
Yes, I am one of the three Malaysians that I know, inside my course, whom I never meet accept for that one time during a conference I think?
There's a few reasons why I choose Coventry University, honestly.
Back then, JPA didn't make it a requirement to choose top 200 university in the world. It was any university that is under listed under UCAS.
So, what is fun about Coventry was I was the only JPA scholar. Other notable and honorable scholars that I know and befriend with study in Warwick and Birmingham.
So, there was no stressful kind of environment. It was a very relaxed, according-to-my-pace kind of environment. I was all by myself so I challenge myself a lot.
I choose whatever subject I want, and I befriend with people with different nationalities.
My best friends, Ripa, a friend I met in Japanese class, we went to Korea together and I wish I could meet her again.
In my course, I have four best friends who always are in the same class as me. Sabine, a girl from Germany, I met her on my first week of tutorial and clicked instantly.
Candy Hung and Candy Zheng, both of them are from China.
Abby, we met on my second year, and she was in my class ever since, also from China.
Of course I was friends with Malaysians as well. The first year was find, but on the second year was a bit... well. Let's just say it was so bad that I keep complaining the same thing to the point of having one of my friend told me:
"Mim, orang lain pi UK elok ja, awat hang ni macam-macam sangat masalah?"
It was decided there and then that none of this matters and I started enjoying my life again. 
And she never knew my problems ever again. Hahaha.


Nak pi London!

Dalam subway

Hujan pulak! Orang naik Hop On Hop Off, dia hujan. Stress!

Bicester Village to shop!

Time to go back to Malaysia!

Not knowing when I will ever be here again...

And that's the end.
UK was one of my best memories.
I learn how to be independent, how to build myself and to be very resilience!
And all in all, I got myself friends for life.
And lesson for the rest of my life.
This is where my adult life begins thousand miles away from my family. 
And I happily finished one of the chapters in my life.
The end!


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