UK Final Goodbye! (Class of 2015 Graduation)

Assalamualaikum wrt wbt. This is a 2016 post, but I updated in 2021... five years later. Huhuhu Anyways, for my graduation, I flew to the UK with both my parents, my sister and my nephew. We use Emirates, I usually fly with Turkish Airlines, but Emirates was cheaper this time, so let's go! Flexing tickets and passports... very typical. 😂 Arrive in Birmingham We stayed at a friend's house, Kak Saida. I was always at hers back then when I was in my final year, I teach AL-Quran to her son and stayed there as an adult because kids under 12 can't stay at home by themselves. I stayed until Kak Saida came home, sometimes I just sleep there. I was only a walking distance from my house, like literally the next two lorongs. Primark! Coventry Market, a place I always love Coventry Town Coventry Cathedral This should be George Elliot Building, the Language Faculty. It was one of the most remembered place in my university years. I attend my Japanese class here...