
Showing posts from 2016

UK Final Goodbye! (Class of 2015 Graduation)

Assalamualaikum wrt wbt. This is a 2016 post, but I updated in 2021... five years later. Huhuhu Anyways, for my graduation, I flew to the UK with both my parents, my sister and my nephew. We use Emirates, I usually fly with Turkish Airlines, but Emirates was cheaper this time, so let's go! Flexing tickets and passports... very typical. 😂 Arrive in Birmingham We stayed at a friend's house, Kak Saida. I was always at hers back then when I was in my final year, I teach AL-Quran to her son and stayed there as an adult because kids under 12 can't stay at home by themselves.  I stayed until Kak Saida came home, sometimes I just sleep there. I was only a walking distance from my house, like literally the next two lorongs.  Primark! Coventry Market, a place I always love Coventry Town Coventry Cathedral This should be George Elliot Building, the Language Faculty. It was one of the most remembered place in my university years. I attend my Japanese class here

Day 4 in South Korea - Yeouido Hangang Park

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. It's been two years since I updated this blog. Wow. Hahahaha. Anyways, continuing the journey, day 4 in South Korea. We're meeting again after two years (WOW!) and this time, I'm gonna continue the story of my 21 days trip to South Korea with one of my best girl friends when I was studying in the UK, i.e. Ripa. But since getting ready took quite a lot of times, and we left something behind and have to go back to get it, (lol), we finally started our day quite late. Therefore, I suggested that we have our lunch first before we started our journey. Full tummy, happy tummy, right? After asking Mr Google, we find this vegetarian restaurant situated nearby Hongik University and we decided to have our lunch there. Walking just to find this restaurant actually take us like an hour!!! Luckily, the food is tasty and the price is affordable. So yeah... Korean and their side dishes. Yummy! I forgot how much the f