
Showing posts from May, 2013

Spring Holiday - Istanbul Aku Datang Kembali (Final)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Final part, konon2 cam ada episodlah. Kui3. The last three days before I come back to Coventry... Stay in the new city in Istanbul... Taxim And shopping all the way. :D  Pemilik kedai carpet ni wife dia orang Malaysia, so he really welcome Malaysians. :) Tram in Taxim Square Taxim Square lane Taxim ni penuh dengan bukit. So, panjat naik turun naik turun jalah kerjanya. Jangan main2 okay, orang yang selalu daki bukit pun mengah jalan naik bukit kat sini. :P So, lepas dah shopping souvenir semua baliklah ke England. Singgah di London semalam sebab dah sampai malam and balik ke Coventry. Comment about the journey : Duit habis okay jalan2 kat sini. Siap kad bank kena telan lagi. So, that's it. See you again in Amsterdam trip tonight. Stay tune!! Wassalam.

Spring Holiday - Alexandria

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Hello! Sambung cerita Egypt sat. The second day in Egypt, we go to the where Saidina Hussien R.A head (I think so) was buried. Ramai sangat orang, dapat sikit ja gambaq... They are reading Al-Quran. Then, we go shopping at the market. Their Jubah is cheap. Paling mahal pun around 200 Egyptian pound which is RM100, which we can still bargain. But I don't have enough money to buy things there. Next, we go to Egyptian Museum. The fare is 60 Egyptian pound for adult because they need Egypt student card to have student discount. Takleh tangkap gambaq sebenaqnya. Curi2. We went to Alexandria by train that night... The next day, we went to King Farouk castle. Alexandria is a town by the seaside and it's not as hectic as Cairo. We just ride public transport and yeah... I enjoy the view. :) Their library which need to be paid for 35 Egyptian pound if you are no

Spring Holiday - Egypt

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.  Kita sambung cerita yang tertangguh tempoh hari. After 3 days in Istanbul, we flew off to Egypt. Ada tour guide okay. Naik kereta Avanza lagi. Tapi xsakit sangatlah sebab duit Mesir 1/10 ja daripada duit pound sterling kan... Anyway, we spend our days in my friend's house. Her name is Adibah, and she's doing her third year in Medicine in Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Bahasa lain, University Al-Azhar, Kaherah, Mesir. So, the next morning we go around Egypt. The first place? Of course it's GIZA!! Piramid Giza   Terasa diri ini begitu kerdil. Huhu. Padang pasir The three great pyramid Buat apa xtau camni... Panas dan angin yang kuat. Lepas tu, apa lagi, jangan sia2kan peluang. Naik untalah apalagi!! Jom naik unta!! Mim dan unta. Go2! Thanks for lending your body okay, Mr Camel. :D Lepas tu tangkap gambar dengan Mr Sphinx